FashionLab #2

Fashion has a waste problem and many denim fabric qualities, including the stretch denim, contain harmful fibres, which do not break down in nature. The synthetic materials used to manufacture stretch garments, like elastane (Spandex or Lycra), as well as the polyester or other synthetic materials used to blend the fabrics – are all bad news for the planet.
biodegradability – the natural cycle of life on earth
July-October 2021_
In collaboration with Renzo Rancan and Ca dei Conti biological vineyards, Tregnago Valley, Verona, Italy.
Experiments were undertaken with biospheric soil enzymes and microbes for a 12 week period. The soil organisms, microbes and enzymes worked through the fabric and jeans in the fertile Italian soil at the biological vineyards. Only the waistband and some seams are left from the jeans.
The results surprised both the Veerkracht team and the workers on the vineyard as the deteriorated fabrics and jeans, and the soil around them, were full of fungi, bacteria and microbes as well as larger caterpillars and worms.
Also, a natural dyeing experiment was done for 17 days with sustainable DryIndigo raw denim fabric (Tejidos Royo) using vinaccia, (the grape waste from wine production).
The resulting denim was used to create a jacket which was shown at the Veerkracht exhibition in Helsinki. The lining of the jacket is made of Tencel fabric, which is coloured pink by an experiment from a wine spitting evening organised by Josien Verwoerd and friends. The Sal(i)vation wine spitting project was the group’s reaction to end Covid isolation and come together to do something fun. The fabric is coloured by wine and enzymes from human saliva.
The wines served at the VIP parties at the exhibition are from Ca dei Conti vineyards which are owned by Renzo Rancan, a textile factory owner and supplier of knitwear and shirts for global brands and close associates of Maarten and Jani.